Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Swanson dinners: Hungry Man (Review)

Price: $1.99 - $4.50
Suppliers: Walmart, No Frills, most supermarkets, and large grocery stores.

I bought some Hungry Man microwavable dinners. In my Turkey one, there was two slots of green beans, no mashed potatoes, and listen to this....NO TURKEY PIECE!?
How could they screw this up? I was pretty mad...even though I bought these on sale for $1.99, it wasn't worth it. I mean two handfuls of green beans, a mess of brownie, and some gravy? Hardly 1lb of food.

I know it was probably the machinery's fault, but there should've been someone checking them before they are packaged. It's easy to spot dinners without a turkey piece and mashed potatoes.

I really regret buying these Swanson dinners. It's just a sloppy mess of salt and fat. I'm serious, in one box there is over 2000mg of sodium!! A heart attack meal, way to clog my arteries.

I will never buy these again.

Product rating = 2/10