Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Life Brand Smores Trail Mix

I've bought this just once before and loved it. So, it was on sale at Shoppers for summer clearance event, 50% off!! How could I say no? I picked up quite a few packets, because I knew it was a “buy” in my books.

I've never been a big fan of “trail mix” in general, mainly because I can just picture the raisins, peanuts, dried berries, and all that stuff. It's just the combination of all these hard/soft textures and fruity/nutty flavours sometimes doesn't work out for me. But this is such a unique product, I mean a smores trail mix? I couldn't resist it.

The package is a simple blue themed concept with a picture of the trail mix in the front. So, the picture shows marshmellows, graham cracker bits, chocolate bits, and pecans all around a pretty little camp fire, meh looks alright. The bag is press resealable, and I find that really handy.

When I opened, it smelt really chocolately, just a mild sweetness, with a nutty crackery aftersmell. I get a handfull and I notice a lot of little marshmellow and they aren't the soft puffy ones, they are those small HARD ones you find in your hot chocolate mix with marshmallows in them. I was not too fond of that. I really like the mixtures of the chocolate nuts and the “graham cracker”. It's not a graham cracker its actually a thin cookie-like the Cinnamon toast crunch cereal and it was dusted with sugar. The pecans were a bit new to me, but I still enjoyed it in the mix. I love the chocolate covered peanuts and chocolate bits. Mhmm, this trail mix has a great combination of flavours.

I loved just reaching for a bunch and eating it, without worrying about disliking this or that. It was all good :) Overall I found this to be very delicious! I found it so addicting that I picked more bags! I really recommend this pick it up!

Rating: " 8 Wow this is great! "

! What do YOU think about Life Brand Smores Trail Mix? Give us "Your Product Rating" below, simply choose a box! Also feel free to leave a comment. Thanks :) !

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Candy: 100 Grand Bar

100 grand bar 6-7/10

Okay, so recently I have a craving for chocolate. Now I was pretty sick of the stuff I would be eating so I went to a little shop in my neighbourhood that sells British sweets that are not offered in Canada. So when I was there I picked out a few things and one of them were the 100 Grand. Now years ago I was online ordering a bunch of stuff for a party and one of the websites offered a free 12 pack case of these bars or Twix so I didn't really know what these were so I opted for the Twix. But I was so excited to pick this up today!

So the deal is that it is a chocolate with caramel, puffed rice and all that good stuff. When I opened it I was surprised that it was two pieces kinda like the Mounds bar and to my surprise it was VERY bumpy. There was all of these lumps on the top of the bar from the crispy rice. Now on the wrapper it says it's lower in fat, I guess that's what makes it 30% less fat compared to the other chocolate bars. So I gave it a bite and I was not in "Heaven" I think it was just a generic bar like everything else so I think it was kinda good but not so great. I mean it can be compared to the Mr. Big because of the caramel and the rice. I think this was an alright thing for me.

I'd rate this a 6. I liked it but it needs improvement.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Candy: Lindt Lindor Milk/White (Limited Edition)

Today, I will reviewing Lindt's Lindor (Limited Edition) Milk/White flavour. I saw this 3 pack of Lindor chocolate truffle balls in a local convenience store and had to try it! So the package is the regular box, but it has a white-creamish diagonal stripe in the background, and in the top left corner of the box it says "Limited Edition Flavour" with hearts around it, too cute. The description of the MILK/WHITE flavour is "Milk chocolate with a delectably smooth white centre". Sounds yummy right??

Okay now for the taste test - I opened up the usual Lindor foil wrapper, and it was a regular chocolate Lindor truffle ball. Their truffles are about the size of a Canadian toonie. The thin-outer chocolately coating was soft milk chocolate. Just the usual texture of any Lindor truffle. So I took a bite of it and found it was liquidy white chocolate centre that was the least bit creamy nor smooth... The white chocolate centre was way to liquidy and very bland. It has the similarities of Kinder bars (chocolately coating with white chocolate filling), but this white centre Lindor is a thumbs down. I was expecting a more sweeter fine white chocolate. I see why it was only limited edition.

My rating for Lindt Lindor Milk/White:
" 3 It's... ugh. "

I would not buy this again.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Changes and Back in Business!

Alright guys, sorry we haven't been posting any reviews lately. We've been caught up with other events and things. Sorry you might say we've been more like "SLEAZY REVIEWS", LOL! But we do have good news, we're really busy getting to review things and you should expect some posts up soon. There is one thing that we made eazier for you guys. We have a new scale system, instead of just saying 6/10 you don't really know what WE think. That might mean good to some people, some might say it's bad. But now we include a number PLUS a small description of what we think of it. A guideline of our scale will look like this:

10 AWESOME! Can't live without it!
9 This was excellent!
8 Wow this is great!
7 Good stuff.
6 I liked it but needs improvement.
5 Eh, this is alright
4 Adequate
3 It's... ugh.
2 It was crappy.
1 This should die in hole :X

Stay tuned!! We'll be uploaded some reviews of things we know you wanna know about!! Bye for now! :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Movie : ZooKeeper

First off, I must say I am a fan of Kevin James. I absolutely loved watching the King of Queens, and also the movie Paul Blart Mall Cop is one of my collection favs.

So, the movie is basically about this zookeeper named Griffin (Kevin James), who wants the girl of his dreams...similar main plot as in Mall Cop - he plays a "loser-ish" character who does what he can to impress the hard to get girl. Well except in this movie there are talking animals.

Kevin James played a great zookeeper, (just like in Mall Cop) he basically excels at his workplace, and when it comes down to it he really loves and lives for his job.

I really liked the characters and the actors in this movie. It all felt just right.
Firstly, there's another zookeeper named Kate - she was superb. All the animals were kind and helpful. Bernie, the gorilla, had a great role in the story. There were so many voices and actors, like I don't know why this weird creepy asian guy was in the movie, but it worked. Also, Kevin James' wife and Adam Sandler's wife was in this movie! (I recognized them from Mall Cop and the special features). So that was a weird surprise - it kinda bothered me at first, but didn't care afterwards. Yeah, so the actors portrayed their characters perfectly.

We did laugh during the movie at some parts - which was the monkey poop, mariachi band, and scenes with that guy "Gail", and some more giggles I can't recall. Even though nothing really stood out to make you burst out of laughter, it was for the chuckles. This story was a bit slow-paced in the middle, but as soon as they got to the gorilla it was better.

Overall, Zookeeper was a very subtle, somewhat predictable, and pleasantly funny film. I believe Kevin James is getting there - and I can't wait for his next movie. :)

My rating for the Zookeeper movie is....6/10. I would watch it again, yes.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gardein : Herb Dijon Chicken (Review)

I got this from the company after they took interest in my blog. They sent me some coupons for free package of their products, so I decided to try em out. Although some of their products were not as satisfying by the name. The only product that I saw might be in the spotlight was the Herb Dijon Chicken. Now, these products are basically cooked because they contain no meats. I prepared this as directed and served it on a light bed of rice to absorb the sauces. In my oppinion the "fake meat" is really different from real meat. There was not much flavor and I have to be honest, I won't try this again, but it was not that bad. I like having real meat because it has those flakes, this was rather "super processed".

In conclusion I thought this was a pass item and it was tolerable, if I ever become vegetarian I might find this more delicious, however I am not so I found it okay.

My rating for this product is 2.5/5 stars.

Thanks to the people at Gardein for sending the coupons.