Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Life Brand Smores Trail Mix

I've bought this just once before and loved it. So, it was on sale at Shoppers for summer clearance event, 50% off!! How could I say no? I picked up quite a few packets, because I knew it was a “buy” in my books.

I've never been a big fan of “trail mix” in general, mainly because I can just picture the raisins, peanuts, dried berries, and all that stuff. It's just the combination of all these hard/soft textures and fruity/nutty flavours sometimes doesn't work out for me. But this is such a unique product, I mean a smores trail mix? I couldn't resist it.

The package is a simple blue themed concept with a picture of the trail mix in the front. So, the picture shows marshmellows, graham cracker bits, chocolate bits, and pecans all around a pretty little camp fire, meh looks alright. The bag is press resealable, and I find that really handy.

When I opened, it smelt really chocolately, just a mild sweetness, with a nutty crackery aftersmell. I get a handfull and I notice a lot of little marshmellow and they aren't the soft puffy ones, they are those small HARD ones you find in your hot chocolate mix with marshmallows in them. I was not too fond of that. I really like the mixtures of the chocolate nuts and the “graham cracker”. It's not a graham cracker its actually a thin cookie-like the Cinnamon toast crunch cereal and it was dusted with sugar. The pecans were a bit new to me, but I still enjoyed it in the mix. I love the chocolate covered peanuts and chocolate bits. Mhmm, this trail mix has a great combination of flavours.

I loved just reaching for a bunch and eating it, without worrying about disliking this or that. It was all good :) Overall I found this to be very delicious! I found it so addicting that I picked more bags! I really recommend this pick it up!

Rating: " 8 Wow this is great! "

! What do YOU think about Life Brand Smores Trail Mix? Give us "Your Product Rating" below, simply choose a box! Also feel free to leave a comment. Thanks :) !

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