Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Changes and Back in Business!

Alright guys, sorry we haven't been posting any reviews lately. We've been caught up with other events and things. Sorry you might say we've been more like "SLEAZY REVIEWS", LOL! But we do have good news, we're really busy getting to review things and you should expect some posts up soon. There is one thing that we made eazier for you guys. We have a new scale system, instead of just saying 6/10 you don't really know what WE think. That might mean good to some people, some might say it's bad. But now we include a number PLUS a small description of what we think of it. A guideline of our scale will look like this:

10 AWESOME! Can't live without it!
9 This was excellent!
8 Wow this is great!
7 Good stuff.
6 I liked it but needs improvement.
5 Eh, this is alright
4 Adequate
3 It's... ugh.
2 It was crappy.
1 This should die in hole :X

Stay tuned!! We'll be uploaded some reviews of things we know you wanna know about!! Bye for now! :)

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